Sadhguru Receives Heartfelt Welcome In Coimbatore Post Brain Surgery. Watch Video

  • Sadhguru today returned to Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore after undergoing emergency brain surgery on March 17, 2024, in New Delhi
  • Tribals and local villagers gathered at the entrance of the Isha Yoga Center, to accord a traditional welcome to Sadhguru
  • Inside the Isha Yoga Center, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation as volunteers waved brightly-coloured hand-made placards adorned with messages of love and welcome for Sadhguru

MUMBAI, 1st APRIL, 2024 (TGN): The city of Coimbatore extended a warm and joyous welcome to Sadhguru, who returned to Isha Yoga Center on Monday after undergoing emergency brain surgery in New Delhi.

The festive atmosphere began at Coimbatore Airport, where people gathered with celebratory placards and greetings, eagerly anticipating Sadhguru’s arrival. The residents of Coimbatore and local villagers lined up the roads leading to the Center, echoing jubilation on his return.

At the Isha Yoga Center, the tribals and local villagers led the celebrations, eagerly welcoming Sadhguru with traditional music, melodious drums, and heartfelt folk songs. Despite the scorching heat, their spirits remained high as they waited at the entrance in anticipation of Sadhguru’s arrival.

Ms Vijaya, a tribal woman from the local Thanikandi village, expressing her joy, said, “Sadhguru has transformed our village by bringing happiness and health through yogic tools. Listening to his videos, I have witnessed the youth of my village moving away from intoxicants and indolence. When news of his surgery came, we were deeply concerned. Now, with his safe return, we are overjoyed and wish him a speedy recovery.”

The atmosphere inside the Yoga Center was equally charged with palpable excitement and anticipation. The sound of drums and joyful chanting reverberated through the air with faces lit up with smiles as volunteers waved brightly-coloured hand-made placards adorned with messages of love and welcome for Sadhguru.

Sadhguru’s return follows his discharge from the hospital on March 27, 2024, after undergoing emergency brain surgery in New Delhi. Videos of his speedy recovery have been circulating on social media, accompanied by messages from well-wishers around the world.

Isha Foundation is immensely thankful for the outpouring of love and support that Sadhguru has received from everyone during this time.

Important Note:

Inner Engineering: A powerful program for beginners designed by Sadhguru that imparts practical wisdom and a 21-minute purifying energy technique using the breath.

Ecstasy of Enlightenment: An opportunity to experience a full-day experiential advanced meditation program with Sadhguru in Delhi, Bangalore, Toronto and Mumbai.Ends/ TGN

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